Friday, September 25, 2009
Cool huh?? so to test this out even further, Both Amber and Augustine call a number each time, and Me and Jastine have to see who's one works, then I draw 2 sets, 1 is the original, the other was the same formulae but different set of the 4 remaining numbers, although they both have different numbers and arrangements, they did not get crossed out in the first 5 numbers, but after like 15th number like that, both Bingo-ed at the same time !!!!
Lastly, the music project, dance cha cha -.- not my specialty and I dun really like dancing. Unlike the case where u give me a target to shot, I will kill in within 3 sec, dance is a body mind coordination, shooting is a see blink shoot case. And the worse part is, my group, I m the only guy, and I m suppose to dance with Farhin and spin her towards me =.= And every time she spins, I tries to avoid my face getting slapped by her hair =.= but seriously speaking, Farhin and Jionghuai are both very good dancers, their very flexible.
Ps: Posting MAY decrease
pissed off by a foul mouth in 2e2