Alone In The Night

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Can't really recall what happen on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, except that Wednesday got a councillor meeting and finally they sent someone to help me with the DC duty on Friday. So on Thursday, after school I was kinda totally pissed.. not say pissed, really mad at Jamie. Some of us were called down to do the Teacher's day wrapping of gifts. Jamie was like nagging behind us, "EH! this 1 soo ugly!" "that 1 u didn't put properly" bossing us around. Final sentence " If you dun finish, you dun go home" at first I thought she was like joking, because there were like over 100 gifts to wrap!! I was like "哇!soo 刻薄你的工人" she gave me that stern look and "I m serious, if don't finish you all dun go home" so she really mean it =.= . She don't want to do, stand behind SUPERVISING even Ms Zhang was doing she sooo 大排 Then later after like 15minutes, she told another guy, "I m hungry, lets go eat" WAAA!!!! where got such kind person! leave us to work, while you go have you lunch! Was like totally pissed, then I told Jamie that I also haven't taken my lunch, and yet you asked me to finish ALL the wrapping if not we don't get to go home. Jamie sensed that I was angry, so she like stayed awhile and continued to supervise, then like 10min later, she asked Ms zhang, "can we go eat lunch?" of course Ms Zhang will agree, not so 刻薄 like her. so she went eat, I pretended I didn't know. Then after she left, I can hear councillors chatting and said something like " eh, where you want to have you lunch?" means that most of the people inside HAVE NOT taken their lunch even for Ms Zhang, she rushed down immediately after class to wrap WHILE YOU this SUPERVISOR happily enjoyed 30minutes of lunch time LEAVING the poor councillors inside WRAPPING the gifts. Then after I kinda explain to her that she must put into consideration of others before tending to yourself. Jamie, I am not angry at you, just that I think it is good that if you can better next time =)

Anyways, after that Me, Emmuel and Mr Gan met up and chatted, we talked about Emmuel's stuff the AHEM stuff and we like walked around the school for like 3-4 rounds and I discovered A LOT of secret Emmuel. Then after when Emmuel went for CCA, we met up with Zoei, she was waiting for Jobie to finish her DC because she fought with someone in class LOL!!!! Zoei was like blaming me not helping her when she got chased all over the school because a guy wanted to pour water on her LOL. We kinda like sat down, Me, Jobie, Zoei Mr Gan ( I m always like the extra one) Then Mr Gan was kinda like questioning Jobie then Zoei was like also talking, but i kinda forget the conversation which I only remember Mr Gan keep saying that Zoei is an AH LIAN while i just sat there and listen ^^(busybody)
3 Major difference i noticed about Zoei
1. She seemed like violence (last time was "WORLD DOMINATION MUAHAHA")
2. Her volume has dropped from 100% to like 20% ( same volume as Hangwing i think)
3. Losing hair LOL ( 1 main reason for girls at this age to lose hair is because they COMB TOO MUCH, they would stare at the mirror and comb for like a century like nobody's business )
After adding the 3 points, my final verdict-更年期 aka Menopause (people, if you are sec 2 and younger, PLEASE do not go search yourself, when you are sec 2 you will learn)

Yesterday, Friday, kinda a surprising day for me. They were giving out good deed cards to student who has done a good deed (like kinda obvious, that's why is called good deed card) at first I was talking to Mr Gan and Mr Tan, then Mr Tan told me that my name was flashed up, I didn't believe at first until Ms Chua called my name -.- I knew that I would get a good deed card, I knew that it would be a pen and a file, I also knew that we didn't get the best class award because of Rahul, and guessed how I know?? I M THE ONE WHO DOES ALL THESE STUFF!!!! muahahahahahaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahah, I am the one who tallies up the score for good deed cards, I also types out the names and pack a file and a pen to the good deed card winners, so which means I get to know first hand which class get best class award and who has won the good deed cards. they called them up 1 by 1, most of the people were jeering because their friend helped teachers to carry books etc, after they mention my name and " For finding an iPod and returning to the general office" THE WHOLE HALL CHEERED!! even the teacher's by the side was like "good job wenzhong" went up on stage and the Vice principle Mrs Ong was like O.o*why soo big effect* ?? she took the card and read it, "wow good job" first time in my left, EVER! receiving such big cheers from the school (unlike the cheer from 1E4 during class cheer competition "wenzhong and Jamie WOOOOO!!!") anyways went back class, Ms Tan scolded for not winning the best class award, and also said that it was a good move to return it to general office as not many would do it and even for teachers. If you would ask me why I wanted to return to general office is because I always thinks the opposite, meaning, I would switch place, it will come a a scenario where IF i got an iPod (which i don't) and lost it, of course I would want to get it back, so that's why i made that move, is like "what you do to others, is what you want others to do to you" thats my moral =)

During recess, they finially played the song delication to Mr Gan, 1 by Liting and Jionghuai the Doremon song LOL, which cause a huge commotion in the cateen, then was followed by the song Don't cha by Pussycat Dolls from Wayne, Kathi they all, sadly, Mr Gan wasn't there when the songs are being played LOL. After recess, went to Home econ class, got scolded by Mrs Katar but somehow i find the scolding more and more funny LOL, everytime she scold I kept laughing, practically everyone got scolded, and I changed partners also, I m partnering Polly, which she seemed less demanding than Ser Ning LOL!! Anyways after Home econ, Polly gave her food to me and I gave her Nasi Lemak to Ivy, and the porridge to Mr Wai ^^ LOL the rest I took home LOL. Went home ate and slept until Mr Gan called me to buy something for Mr Wai cause he said that he helped a lot in our amazing machine project. So I met him at my house the bus stop, he bought 1 plate, 1 spoon, 1 folk, 1 mug for his camp today, then we bought a THANK YOU card for Mr Wai, UNLUCKILY for him, kena spotted by Keven and his parents and LOL! His mother was complaining to Mr Gan about his science marks. After that he told me the story PART II and I got a DEEP SHOCK WHICH LEFT ME STUNNED FOR 5 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because he confessed something to me and I promised him NOT TO SAY. Currently still falling into the hole, not reaching the end any soon, and having difficulty keeping my jaws closed. And I still cannot believe it, I m wondering now if i should abort OPERATION GAN ..... Then went back home at 9.45pm LOL!!! (The first picture on top was when he was telling the part II story)
*Gratz to myself of my 9/11-Enya only time video reaching over 9k views !!!*
some pictures
evidence CHAIRMAN bullying saucy

Chinese class, Teacher not around, doodle in class
I call it, The Mirror Man (cover 1 side of the face at 1 time and look at the picture)

My life for Aiur; My love for you 6:01 PM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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