Alone In The Night

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Woke up from a day's sleep after the tiring competition yesterday, and the day before. I haven't even done my homework, and its like due tomorrow... don't really feel like doing right now. Anyways, kinda disappointing that we didn't win at least not the top or anything, but some special prize like best effort, environmental friendly etc... Mainly because our machine is made from recycled materials, ALMOST all.

First thing we got there on Friday by a Maxi, with all our stuff in the car's trunk, we saw other schools with BIG TRUCKS of items !!! Then after, we saw 1 bus of primary school kids came, with 1 CARGO TRUCK they brought almost all of their school's items !! (armchair, tables, fans...etc..) then I told Mr Tan, "no need to compete already, can we go home..?" LOL no chance of winning, and the worse part is, our table is in the CENTER of the hall beside Hwa Chong and all those PRO schools.... But Mr Tan told us just to give it a try, and just for the experience, so we set it up, almost running actually and it was from 8am until 5 pm. That day there was like a lot going on, had been called down for councillor duty on that day for some design competition, and this Rube Goldberg competition, both finishes around 5+ but then Rube Goldberg gets to leave class at 7.30, and the Nee Ann thingy only at 10.55, so i choose the 7.30 instead xD
We made use of everything we brought, news papers, cardboards etc.. then half way, we needed more retort stand, Mr Tan rushed back school to get 3 more retort stand and some boxes. Then my Liting and Jionghuai found out that i kept holding on to my hand phone and keep sms-ing, which is not usually a common sight for me, I m not the text-crazy type but the gaming maniac xD lol so the took over and read through my conversations with that person. got home around 6+

Second day, my father brought me there, first to arrive ^^ then Mr Gan and the rest came together around 8+ so we quickly touch up on our machine and tested it out, it works at some point but its not going to hold on with all the masking tapes here and there, our rams keep sliding, the cups keep changing its place etc... until 9.30, stop work and let the judge see and present our machine to them (honestly speaking, ours is the most "lousiest" machine) When the judge came, I explained the process, which I keep losing my words (this 1 drop down hitting this this... thingy then...) then when the scientific concept I wanted to answer, but the judge pointed at Liting, and Jionghuai, asked them to say, then I looked at Mr Gan, "si liao aka DIE...." Then Mr Gan was like behind, telling them what to say, then I was like cutting their sentences every here and there.The judge used very "chim(scientific) words" like what is the mechanism behind this, what energy is being produced, does it have parallel motion etc... and concluded with "ok..good good" which made Liting eye bling *____* "good !?!?! did he just said .. good ?!?!?!" LOL while waiting for the results, Jionghuai, me Liting, slip into the science center to play LOL quite fun ^_^ during lunch, Mr Tan came, and gave us support and left like 30min later. While waiting, we slipped into science center again hohohoho we explore explore until kenji called us back. Liting took my phone and took over my job texting someone, when i got it back, I got an angry FELINE on my hands LOL!!! they played some lame games like asking 2 person act out a scene from a movie and you must guess the movie title when everyone acts out the same scene "slashing each other" .... Then they announced the winners and ALL the winners are from our row !!! Then we suddenly thought that we had won something, but, we didn't win anything in the end. First prize is a Netbook EACH WTF!!!!! runner-ups is iPod, or Zen etc... T.T

After we packed our things we went to Mr Gan's house which is QUITE close to my house, we put down our stuff while Liting and Jionghuai were like monkeys, running all over Mr Gan's house like they are little kids in a zoo or something LOL, and then went to IMM for dinner since he promised us a treat, which the person I text to thoguth that you can buy ANYTHING in IMM you want and guess what she wanted, althought it has nothing to do with her, A OSIM MASSAGE CHAIR LMAO. Anyways we ate at Cartel I had a a plate of black pepper PORK RIBS, kenji had BBQ PORK RIBS, Mr Gan had something also PORK RIBS hohohohoho!!! Liting and Jionghuai shared a plate of spaghetti, those 2 drank some chocolate coffee or something, while i had a glass of not sure what it's called, soda+syrup+cherry+lemon quite nice lol, total $101 which after discount is $93. While eating, We gossip about everything, the girl who is sms-ing me, Mr Gan's gf, Liting's special someone HOHOHOHO!! (I will not reveal anything, the girl i sms to, liting's someone, and mr gan's ex gf, so don't ask me !!!!!) Then on our way back to Mr Gan's house, he talked about his TRAGIC LONG LOST RELATIONSHIP *soo sad* Mr Gan very 伟大 LOL we even sat below his block to listen to his story, and we SHARED a littile of our stories to him also *the emo night~* when went up, he show us his LOST girlfriend picture (friendster) although he threw away all those physical things of his LOST girlfriend. Then when his mother came, he pretend nothing happen and scroll down the page L-O-L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then we went home after....

Some pictures taken during our competition. click to enlarge

(other teams)

(our machine)

(Mr Gan's house)

(I censored the until number just incase anyone of you all misuse it)

(Dinner at Cartel IMM)
looks small but its actually very big plate, i couldn't finished it

(Below Mr Gan's house, telling story)

(last week, when we went to buy materials)

My life for Aiur; My love for you 6:09 PM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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