Monday, September 21, 2009
Hellos! Don't really know what to post these few days, kinda busy and can't really remember what happen and what i had planned to write, because too many things to do, too little "my own time" since our streaming exam is like 2weeks away.... And don't get me wrong, "my own time" refers to the stuffs that i planned to do, Eg. change blog skin, edit the song Superman giving it a new beat, and stuffs like that.
So yesterday went to Hangwing's birthdays, kinda like "nothing to do" played hide and seek. I teamed up with Kaijie and hangwing said from "here" to "there" the "there" didn't specify, and they said we cheated =/ then come the cover the close eyes to catch someone. And u expect me to believe me that they would have integrity that they would close their eyes to catch me?? LOL and I wasn't given a choice, I was the 1 being catch, and there is no time limit.
HELLO?? survival game has a "survive for #min to win this round. But there was no time limit, either I get caught or just give up i had to drink their "Hell juice" which I threw out immediately after I swallowed it, not that it taste bad, is just I not too sure of the ingredient since allergic to some stuffs. Then played the guessing game where 1 person have to act and the other has to guess. Then we the make someone laugh game, where someone has to make the other 5 people laugh. I manage to get SOME to laugh not like those had to "waa u show teeth" those kind of laugh. Then we went up, then we sat balloons to make them explode, and I sat 2 balloons, then played truth of dare, and L-O-L at Waimarn thinks .... then we went to eat, i ate like 5-6 fish balls and 2 of the "not sure what" then Waimarn keep scooping the rice into my plate =.= ask me dun waste food. After the meal, was pangsehed* (abandoned) by Jionghuai/Hangwing/waimarn. Only left me Jamie Kaijie in the room while they all went to the air-con room to play, Tsk tsk tsk, host forgot about her guests le, so we chit chatted, then Jamie was complaining that she want go home. Then cut cake, blah blah they went back into the air-con room and left us 3 again, finally they realised that people are missing and came back. But by then we all like wanted to go home, but Jamie's "HIGH CLASS" high heels broke and was having trouble to walk. Jamie and Kaijie was like asking me to send them back, then had no choice, seeing 1 is cannot walk, the other never mind, CHAIRMAN so must send xD. At first Jamie insisted on walking down, she was bare footed and when she reached the ground level, I asked Kaijie to carry Jamie so we can get to the main road to get a Taxi to send them back. Good thing Kaijie NCC, got power piggybacked Jamie like 500m or so(Shaochuan/ or whoever, dun get jealous xD) and we got onto a Cab, sent Jamie, then Kaijie(muahahaha i know where u live liao both of u), then I got home, total was$15.60, the uncle only charged me $12 O.o Then today continued with my Maple private server project, ran into some trouble with mySQL database which i think is something wrong with the connection to server, getting help and hope to get it fixed and start my server these few days(WHO WANTS TO BE GM??)
A few days ago, there was a check of hair and quite a lot of the girls got a haircut including
SOMEBODYY currently feeling sad about her antenna(you know who you are), so the other day, I started a cutting hair campaign, all of us has abit of out hair cut off (VOLUNTARY not forced), so far, the people who have been cut:
me, Fathihah, Xueying, Amber, Melina, Heyu, Augustine, Fiona, Ramez,some more i cant remember. Cutting so they would not feel so bad about losing their hair =)
Some pics from the party
Everybody is changing and i don't know why~ ~ Keane
My life for Aiur; My love for you 3:23 AM