Friday, September 11, 2009
Today is the 8th year since the 9/11 or September 11 incident, just turn on my computer after my tuition, and saw that my mailbox had been spammed by YouTube. Both subscriptions and comment reports. It was 12k over views just yesterday, and today, it shoot up 2k, just overnight !!! I think it would had been higher if YouTube haven't block my video due to some copyright issues for like 5 months and i resolved it like a few month ago. Anyways, people might think I have TOO much free time to do this kind of stuffs, actually is depending on the mood itself. Is like people paint a paintings if the see something and copies it onto paper, for me, I see things in my head, and I usually express it either through picture(a few examples is below)/video.
Rushing through holiday assignments for the pass few days, and holidays are never like holidays with you tied to soo much of homework, last time I had planned to do lots of stuff during holidays but couldn't find time. I wanted to at least teach 1 session of guitar at sunbean then the rest is after my end of year exam, but, didn't have the time and mood to teach, because what ever I do, i keep having the string tied at the back of my head saying "HOMEWORK HOMEWROK NOT ENOUGH TIME!!!" of course, there is always time for games ^^ IT THE BASIC "recharging" time for me, otherwise you will see me like a dead zombie. A few day ago, Mr Gan sent me the Plants vs Zombies FULL VERSION for windows lol!! and i cleared 51 stage up to yesterday, today haven't started yet. Its a classic tower defence game where you built your defences(plants) and prevent the zombies from getting through.
a screenshot
Lastly, some over pictures discovered in camera while I was clearing the memory card
(click to enlarge) +
This are the pictures I mentioned just now, if i have a picture in my head, I would usually shade it out in my sketch book. There is a lot more that these 2. The 2 pictures holds quite some meanings, but you will have to find your own meanings to it. (Both pictures are linked together, a before and after.)
*Hint: The tree tells the time
From movie Up and the song Love me by Colin Raye