Short post: Last Saturday, jionghuai and Liting came over to my house to make a video for Mr Gan. Its a dedication to our emo night, which then, he said cannot be showed cause it contains his PRIVATE LIFE. So the next day, I decided to create a new video that is for entertainment purposes using very LIMITED resources. thats why you will see the lemon part keep repeating and repeating, ITS NOT EASY TO GET HIS FOOTAGE!!! So then on monday, while the performers and the prize receiver went out to the hall, I sneaked out and went to Mr Gan's class and showed the video to his class. At first I told Mr Gan to bring his laptop and cable so I can show the video, but that that guy thought that if he didn't bring, I cannot show to his class, so i brought my own Macbook and ask them to come to the front if they want to watch the video since i don't have the cable. I thought I would get an overwhelming responses. Only 1/3 of the class came forward and watch the video. Anyway had my fun, then I went back to my class, and played a few songs to Ms Tan, but kinda suckish actually, just me and Kajie and a few others cannot make it, need that grassroot leader and her choir gang =.= Oh yeah! that day morning councillors had to report by 6.15am JUST TO BLOW BALLONS, so those ballons that were not tired properly we sucked in by me. I sucked in the helium, and I spoke like a chipmunk LOL then during the performence, I must stand there and GUARD the ballons, didn't really get to see the performence....... T_T
So the next day, we went out with Mr Gan with Jionghuai and Liting to walk down his memory lane, he wanted to take photos actually but the mood was gone because those 2 kept laughing of something =.= so we went to Great World city, eat, played arcade (AHAHAHAHA WONT LITING TWICE OVER THE RACING GAME) and fail to catch winnie the pooh like for 7-8 times T.T then we went to watch the movie up, soo..... touching at first ..*sniff .. sniff...* And it was funny, which I was turining into ice inside LOL then went home around 6+
Wednesday, Thursday (went IMM to buy a new DSLR camera cause my old one something wrong, the lence keep shaking, thats why you see no teacher's day pictures) Friday, nothing much actually, just like normal school days...