Alone In The Night

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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Went to Fort Canning and Labrador Park yesterday, and yes, we went 2 places in 1 day. Both places contained historical values from the world war II, which the Japanese occupied Singapore.

We went to Fort Canning first, its a "fortress" build under a hill, which was called The Battle Box. Used by the British as a headquarters during the war. Inside was FULL of wax sculpture of the soldiers which some of them were able to move LOL. Inside was dark, ok very dark which i had a VERY hard time taking pictures, and every time a fake bomb exploded which we made by the speakers inside, we can feel the ground shaking, not because of the bomb, is because of the girls, they screamed and screamed and screamed. Then when those wax figures moved, gone case, glass break. -.- then practically the guys started to scare the girls, xD which i always silently walk up to Liting AKA com lag Ang, stand behind her, go close to her ear, "Ang....~ ~ ~" LOL without fail, from beginning of the year till now, still effective against her xD

Then got onto the bus and went to Labrador Park, which both somewhere near ViVo City, Then everyone started taking out food to eat, like having festival inside the bus. Then when we stopped at Labrador park, whoa! the view of the beach NICE man, reminds me of the beach at San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge. Walked up the hill, saw a few cannons which was pointing out towards the sea, which in the end the Japanese got in from land. Then went inside 1 more tunnel liked place where we watched a short movie and explored the VERY dark tunnel which was darker than the Battle Box, it was like walking in a enclosed room, which just 1 or 2 dim lamp lights lighting the way. Guys walked through, Girls hugged through LOL!!!! and oh ya, while waiting outside the tunnel, we saw 2 low flying Apache Longbow flew pass andwith their nose gun dismantled T.T By then was almost 12.30, and we went back to school after.

Today we were asked to write poems about yesterday's trip, what we experience about the war places and stuffs, first we played a shooting game, which everyone formed a circle if the guy told you to splat which you will have to crouch down and the 2 beside you have to turn and shoot each other, and Rahul was taken out first among the us 3 who plays Soldier front, hes the Captain rank, then Shazni, First Lieut. And me Major taken out by XueYing -.- last man standing, FIONA WOOTS!!! pro! and then we all proceeded on writing poem, I wrote 1 and the guy said it sounded like a newspaper article, then the 2nd one, WOOTS NICE.

After school we had Chinese oral exam, it was said that the passage was taken from our textbook which turn out to be a chapter which my Chinese teacher didn't spend time teaching which I thought that chapter we didn't learn, so didn't study that chapter -.- I think my 10 marks gone... but the 30 mark conversation still ok, think i will just pass =/ me and Kaijie got to go first because we got a workshop at 1.30 once we there, saw Rahul and Shazni inside blasting music lol and Rahul told me to take out my laptop to play dota with him, which for his com, he cannot connect to mine lol, after lesson, saw Jamie, BaWang they all in the canteen, something about a meeting for their choir stuffs then i talked with bawang which made Jamie went on rampage LOL, then Liting Jocelyn they all came said wanted to watch a horror movie on my mac, which was not scary at all, to me, which turn out a scaring session for me and Rahul to scare the girls xD then when one part where Jocelyn wanted to scare me, and I "AHhh.." not because i got scared, but was her leg kicked my leg LOL!! after awhile, see the movie not scary then i went home and ask Rahul to play the movie on his com.

picture time! click to enlarge and please read the red FBI warning by the right side of your screen.
i found this picture inside my phone a few day ago

the one cover the face is ATL aka Amber and Rahul is carrying her bag xD

watching a introduction video

finish watching

heading to the Battle Box

inside battle box

radio controller

encoding room

radio room

SOS contollers

Tatic command

meeting room

old gun from WWII

not sure what -.-

some guy's office

nice breeze

reminds me of San Francisco

cannon pointing towards sea

Aim point

outside the tunnel

Apache Longbow

inside tunnel, its very dark and scary, only 1 picture coz inside is totally darkness, can't really see

Lastly this is my new MacBook Pro bought last week
spend about 3k+ with goodies(office 2008+adobe web premium suit 4+bag+3 year extend warranty)

*staring at the ladybug*

*drooling at the apple* LOL

My life for Aiur; My love for you 4:47 AM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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