Alone In The Night

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Friday, April 17, 2009

Finally back from a day's rest after speech day, practically yesterday after speech day i was like a dead meat, dam tired.. Not as fun as i hoped to be, but still, the atmosphere there was HIGH! everyone was like excited.

Early in the morning we didn't have any lessons, we just sit inside the hall, watch some people present.. bla bla, after school, went to help Mdm Thilagam to type out the best class award for Feb and March, and WOOTS got a preview who won hehehe, Then after, went home, play computer, eat lunch WHILE SOMEBODY(Jamie,who ar?) sms me "Come faster, i now very hungry" (for your info people, I was alone at home that time) so i packed some of my lunch and brought it to school. Reach school, saw shaochuan Rahul etc... sit there talk talk until i LMAO at Jamie, her shirt is DAM BIG. Then went councillor room try out our blazsers, the blazers dunnoe how many years already, like dam old, anyways, we getting new ones, new tie(no more green ones, but we get to keep our speech day green tie!) new badge, i tried like 3-4 blazers.. then got into positions... ushers... we all like stood there for like more than 4hours.. dam tiring... i drank like 5 bottles of 500ml of water -.- and practically crawling all over... then finally when all the guest are sitting.

We get to have a break and a burger in the councillor room, and when i took out my blazers WOOTS!! my white shirt is soaked in sweat, even my collar is wet and Sandhiya was like LOL.. O.o? ok la, my shirt went translucent -.- shes seeing through.... so i put back my blazers, and went to garden to sit, and dry my shirt and Jamie was like, take off your blazers la soo hot=.= you think i dun wan ar, the room is like full of girls and my shirt is seeing through...(by this point you would think i m wearing some lousy shirt, actually, my whole suit cost like $200? my shoes $70, my shirt $60 my pants $70 also) then saw Poon and Emanual by their Environmental booth and saw some 1E4 people sitting there kpo kpo, so i rested and talked to Poon for awhile until my shirt is dry then went back to the councillor room...

Then went upstairs, and continued... The whole performance ended at about 7+ heard that last year's speech day ended at 10.. COOL! then they had food in the canteen, and EVERYONE is allowed to eat then rest all rushed out for food before Nauar could finish her debrief then me and Jamie was like O.o? so before we went home, we walked pass the canteen, and saw Malcom(cameraman), Jamie was like asking him to bring her a cup of drink, he don't want, the 2 was like bring me la... take youself la... I was beside her and "Pss.... Jamie, go charm him, go nudge him abit mabe he will bring LOL" then her elbow almost came to my face =.=, so we went in, each had a cup of lemonade, and LOL, the sec ones are wearing Chef hats, and waitress/waiter 's vest LOL some are serving food LOL!!! and WOOT i didn't thought that our school would actually serve sea food(prawns clamps.. etc) and soo many dishes O.O but we didn't eat, we had a drink. And Rahul Singh, practially ate everything there LOL! we sat down with Liting, then went to took some picture with Ms Tan, then went home... drank a bowl of soup slept at 9+ and woke up this morning by 7.... (pictures below, didn't really have time to take pictures.. but manage to snap afew =D)

Marching parade

Me&Ms Tan
shes wearing Korean traditionnal costume
(Jamie didn't focus the camera before she take the pic and my tie was like side was coz i took it out then suddenly Ms Tan said she want to take pic then i put it back again =.=)

Liting and Sandhiya

Jamie and Liting

Me & Liting

Jamie counting money $_$

Poon and Emanual

Shazni and the >> is the 1 that i wrote in my April fools day post, that i scared the shit out of this guy

Lastly, people, u will see Jamie's tag saying "I m going to kill u" or "You are going to get it on monday"(the monday thingy she said it like 3 times yesterday xD) so please appreciate, I m putting my life on the line here up loading this pics and I know Shaochuan, u are gonna save those pics xD OH yes, speaking of which, Thursday Shaochuan had the best time of his life, We had Lit Lecture(Literature) and we must act out a scene from the novel red sky in the morning, Jamie was acting as Anna, she split her pony tail into 2, and pointing upwards, she wore a SUPER SHORT HOT SEXY pink colour pants, and a SUPER TIGHT white colour T-shirt, I was busy talking to Shazni, and when i saw her i was LMAO ROFL laughing like crazy, and Shaochuan couldn't close his jaws, he was nose bleeding+drooling, and the best part is, when she finished acting, they made space beside Shaochuan, and made her sit beside him!! WOOTS!!! he couldn't keep his eyes off her ahahahahah!! xD i should have taken i picture... Well then, Cya!

My life for Aiur; My love for you 5:29 PM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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