Alone In The Night

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ok, after a looong negotiation, finally Jamie allowed me to post, not the original(JAMIE TAN) BUT i m still quite happy about it, IF you want the original, tag me i will send it to u.

(click to enlarge, to see the abilities)
so yeah... currently LMAO-ing over this 2 cards, its RARE and NOT FOR SALE!!!! and trust me, you won't even be able to find it anywhere but HERE!! xD This 2 card is a combo, there should be a 3rd, 4th and fifth card, which the designer couldn't find their picture, so, UP TO DATE, is this 2 LOL. Currently still thinking more people to be added into the collection xD

The past week was horrible! first week of term 2, already 3 test, and 1 more test which we were suppose to take before school close but we went for the Solar Boat competition so we were suppose to take, from tuesday Ms Tan said stay back(which we did) and happily she forgot and we were left in the class playing GUESS MY SKETCH which Jionghuai was complaining of me 30point and her 7 point LOL!! and yesterday(friday) Ms Tan said to stay back, and the 4 of us, we all did, school end at 12.40, we saw Ms Tan, she said wait outside the staff room, which we did, until 2 Kaijie and Shazni need go for cca, only left me and Jionghuai waiting outside staff room, 2.30, she still not around we went home, waste time -.-

And WOOOTS! Speech day performance PASS!! We will be performing Collide by Howie day during school's speech day, it was suppose to be like 2 guitarist and 1 drummer, at first we agreed on whoever chooses the song, sings the song, since my choice of song was Viva La Vida by Coldplay, but i can't really sing this kind of long song while i m playing the guitar, or i would be panting through out the song, so i let him pick the song, SADLY we had some problem with the group, during audition day day, drummer go back play basketball, left me and the other guy(Glen) so he was singing... the singing part was NOT SO GOOD but the whole thing was still ok, so the teachers suggested that we get a sec 4 guy who sang for Chinese new year celebration to sing while we 2 play the song, which without a drummer i whole stress will be on ME, i will be the one strumming through out the song, meaning, i will be giving the main beat so called "drummer" in this song, Glen would be playing JUST A 2 BAR TABS for the first line of the verses -.- And 1 more thing, if the school can't find a amplifier, we would be using acoustic guitar playing to the mic which of course the sound will not be as good as playing plug-in since we both have electric guitar...

Lastly, this is my blog's seal which i made this morning, i even made 1 for my clan lol

My life for Aiur; My love for you 5:41 AM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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