Alone In The Night

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Monday, May 4, 2009

This morning, was stuck outside the gate for temperature checking(kiasu of swine flu, i should say kiasee) -.- i first thought "oh no.. i just cycled like 2km and u ask me to take a temperature" then who knows what happen, *beep beep* WOOTS !!!! 35.6 xD then went in. Total today took temperature 3 times! if someone has fever, it would be a long sequence, not like morning no fever, and u will get it after recess or something... =.=

Anyways, i was back stabbed during VE (Value education)... Ms Tan talked about something like responsibility, then Ms Tan put a "HOT SIT" in front of the class, whoever gets invited out has to answer the question about responsibility. First up, Shaochuan...*WOOTS!! YAY!! JAMIE SUPPORT YOU!!* then Ms Tan ask Shaochuan to pick the next person to be on the "HOT SIT". "JAMIE" everybody "WOOOOOOOO SHAOCHUAN ~ ~ ~" then by this time, I had a REALLY bad feeling that its gonna be me, Then I turn behind, "Eh Shaz, i think shes gonna pick me..." because this kind of person right, 好事不找我,坏事先想我. Means got good things, she won't find me, got bad things, first come to me.
Ms Tan "ok Jamie, pick someone else"
Jamie "can pick back shaochuan? he sabo me here"
Ms Tan "No, you have to pick someone else"
tupid tupid tupid Jamie !!! T.T
Ms Tan was like heh heh heh ok now wenzhong.....
I was like(wanted to say), "Ms Tan I m still young, dun kill me" xD
At first she wanted to asked about some boyfriend/girlfriend stuff
Ms Tan"Wenzhong, you have a girlfriend right?"
In my mind, *oh noo.. i think ms tan is gonna call my mum again on this matter =.=* cause, she called my mum once on such matter, which I SHALL NOT elaborate ANYMORE, NOR SEE anyone trying to continue at my tag box please THANK YOU!

After school went for D&T remedial, WHICH Mr. Wai said was 1 period O.o *waa soo good?* in the end turned out to be more than 2 period.... until 4+ then went back home, eat sleep, posting until now and ending with 3 pictures i found on the net a few day ago, bye!
(click to enlarge)

I like the dog's face expression, somehow reminds me of AMBER

Soldier front!! read their speech bubbles xD
*read the 3 guys first, last read Darth vader(guy in black)*

My favourate! Empire hiring!! Join now and become a clone! xD

My life for Aiur; My love for you 4:37 AM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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