Alone In The Night

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Its the end of mid-year exams WOOTS, any a few regrets -.- not because i dunnoe how to do, BUT I SEE WRONGLY!!!!!!! one fine example is a maths sum, something about a farmer and some feed and crows. Sounds fine right? or mabe not, in the end I found out that it was COWS !!!!!!! not crows...... And if you think that i have eye sight problem, nope, i don't wear glasses, the problem is, I see things by image matching, so i can read+understand quickly.

Anyway, the other day, after the exam, went to library to do the "poon-project" then Liting went off with Amber(lagger) they all. left me and Poon. After we finish the steps, went to staff room to find Mr.Gan which he wasn't in, then heard from Ms Tan that he just bought his lunch we were like ooooo, Alfred went inside and L-O-L. she said Mr.Gan was eating+smiling at a FULL TABLE OF 8 FEMALE TEACHERS LOOOOOOOOOL !!!!! *jit jit jit how could you Mr.Gan, i thought u say u like to keep a LOW profile???* aka flirting. Then the 4 of us, did the rock paper scissors, guess who, is the one to get him out. Jionghuai !!!! LOL unlucky. Then Mr.Gan came out with his laptop, ask we all type out the steps and L-O-L we see actually 2 things.(cannot say here coz later you all request) Then while waiting for jionghuai to type out the steps, he did or sorts of funny faces to disturb jionghuai, hes evil!!! He crapped a lot and i was like ROFL, and showed us our CA marks !! i got 83 WOOTS!!! And then he asked poon to call Emanuel to send in his project also, which we waiting for about 1hour? LOL. Then Mr.Gan showed us how to find people's blog, and found mine -.- he saw the "sabo by Jamie during VE" and the " AHHHHH RED LIGHT" he was like laughing and then "umm maybe Tuesday i will go into your class point at Amber and AHHHHH RED LIGHT !!!!!" LOL then he went to afew people's blog, including you ivy, he know who is the AHEM... guy liao orh horr! Then we went home =)

Obsessed with 2 things, 1 is how to make the dog cat rapist picture in the previous post and how to hack a windows xp admin password, and went on searching, I zoom the picture 10 times and oooo saw something, and manage to make a few of my own(the first picture on the top is not made by me) and then went to look through how to hack a admin password LOL! Mabe i should say WTF easy which i ALMOST locked myself out from my computer =.= then i manage to simplify their step and come up with my own hack MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA 3 VERY EASY steps.(ask me for the steps, not writing it here)

(click to enlarge, there are descriptions)

This 1 is about Amber and the red light xD

Thats all folks!

My life for Aiur; My love for you 5:57 PM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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Budget View (edited)

Amber the Lagger

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