Alone In The Night

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Warning! VERY LONG POST: Yay!! Finally the day of councillor investiture, not as grand as i hoped to be, but, overall, still QUITE fun. 1 word to describe the whole investiture, HOT! we had to stand at back stage, for more than 30min without fan, everyone was dripping SWEAT.

Yesterday after school, we all had a rehearsal, and we took the pledge 3 times, sang the school song 5 times, it was wayyy tiring, Then this morning, we had some I&E programme that teach you how to make money, the first 2 trail round, we make a profit of 0.2, and WOOTS I thought i know the game already, BUT the actual one, there was a lose of 2.1 WTF!!! then start losing all the money, we had to load, and it was 20% Rahul told me whatever u take its 20% throughout, then I ohh, we pay back at the last round, so we can have more money on our hands to make money. After, Rahul told me noooo! its 20% every turn!! oh crap... no hope of winning already. You really have to understand the game 100% in order to play, because everyone started blur, it is worse than a monopoly game where you just buy and sell your properties, this game is like what u want to buy, branding, development, marketing, CMO, CEO, CTO *Jamie give u CWO ar xD" its DAM complicated! you lucky u get it, like our first trial round, but 2nd round Rahul sad that this colour nobody buy, and we bought 1 and put all the rest of our money on the marketing. The actual thing is we must buy the colour that everyone is buying, THEN invest heavily on the marketing, that's the way to make money.

12.40 we went to change into our whites, i took almost 10min just to get from my school uniform to my whites, from then onwards, I was dripping sweat, it is HOT!! wanted to find some place with air-con but library is closed, had to walk pass a few class and when we heard "WENZHONG!!" we bend down and run *i dunnoe i dunnoe, wrong person* LOL!!. So practiced one round and WOOTS i saw my mum *run arrhh* then take pledge, take our certificate, listen to some talk, DONE!! WOOTS!!! Oh, and played/bullied Wanxin in chopsticks game, keep winning xD. Now shoulder pain, back pain, because we must sit there, very STILL, we are not allowed to move, so practically i freeze on one spot for like an hour?? then after go down, and we are suppose to serve the refreshments, which is just some tidbits SOME tidbits, cookie tarts etc..(2-3 plates) and coffee and tea, that's all?? no seafood? like speech day?? LOL. Then my mum went to see Ms. Tan, talk talk talk, DONE go home!!

A few day ago, Amber The Lagger(new name: ATL) was bored and wanted to play reversi with me, and this is what happen:

(Click to enlarge) so yeah, bullied Amber, tortured her by posting here xD and for your information people, everyone i ask, their reaction about the red light is the same, only Amber, and Mr Gan even come to our class, "AMBER red light red light!!!!" LOL. But sadly, VERY SADLY, for some reason, I could lose reversi TWICE to the same person who has a lower IQ and has no idea how to play reversi. Guess who? Jamie Tan -.- TWICE!!!!! cannot believe sia....... Everyday morning i got duty at the gate, giving people DC for late coming, when i go back to class, Rahul told me Ms.Tan gave out some gaming coupon was Asiasoft!! WTFF sia!! I asked Ms Tan, she said she threw it into the bin already!! WTF!!! had no time to dig, so we all went to hall for briefing and back to class for the game and WTFF!!! the cleaner cleared the bin!! SOBBBB!!!!!!!! then Rahul gave me his coupon, since he don't really play, and shaochuan gave me 1 since he dug out 5!!! from the bin sia, 2 is enough for my Aquila and E world character =D

Councillor investiture pictures (taken by my mum):

*laughing at naufal*

Group pic

me, Hao wei, Ramez, Emmanual

Jamie complaining

I look serious -.-

group pic 2

councillor pledge

Handing over ceremony

this 1 looks like Jamie getting married xD
(shaochuan dun get jealous)

My life for Aiur; My love for you 3:19 AM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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Budget View (edited)

Amber the Lagger

Speech day

April Fool's day


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Councillor "death" camp



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