Alone In The Night

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The solar boat competition is a COMPLETE failure, "FAIL, no need to study, go home and play" and by the way, <- thats our boat, and THAT is my hand xD stupid competition, whole bukit view was wiped out in the qulifying round, not because of anything(but most of them is everything, motos falling off, wires coming out, and what they do? "WENZHONG!!!! HELP" i was running a solar boat repair business on the bus when we are getting there, there were like 4-5 teams calling me for help??") but, most of their boat is last min work, meaning, do it anyhow, i have people strapping plastic bottle to a food container, drink can cut in half, styro foam dunnoe what LOL, yes i seen all sorts of funny design, lucky mine was the most "properly made" boat(but its nothing compared to other schools). For your info, I had been staying back after school every single day to do the boat, and most of the time is me alone doing, occasion jionghuai and jamie(although she is not in our group) shazni and kaijie, once or twice and rahul, so called stay back waste time, m i right rahul? xD So i was carrying a heavy responsibility for winning the competition. Mr Wai, helped me ALOT, Jamie, stay back to accompany us, I HAVE FAILED.... sobb....

Heres the full story- Bukit View was the first school to race since its the name start with 'B' our team was the 2nd to go, first round, yes good sun, weather favourable, BUT lousy last min work, none actually turn, i not sure if they actually sinked coz none of them actually test it out. Then 2nd round, i lined up by for the race, 1 big cloud came, RAIN... then they told us to go for lunch, I was not hungry and needed to guard the boat, so i stayed behind, Jionghuai also, then they called me to go over Mac(which i dunnoe where) but it was raining pretty heavily so we went back and waited in the LT, sorry Jionghuai for making u get soaked, i should have brought my umbrella. And then they said that is either postpone on monday(16march) or 21june at marina. While discussing, ABIT of sun came out, so the decided to carry on with the race, at first I thought carry on was a good idea but soon not... The boat itself is build for speed, not for conserving the solar energy, not to mention on no sun situation, meaning it need those HOT sun that you can clearly see your shadow to work, not your windy cloudy sun where you can't even see your shadow, I was like oh no.... they called race 2 over, I was keep turning the propeller, hoping it will start(mannual start) and YES!!! it turned!!! but its very week, when the propeller touches the water, the water stopped the propeller... hopeless... race door open.. none moved.. if mine does't move, don't really expect the others to move, because we are using 3 solar panel, and ours is the only group successful in testing our boat. BUT! some of the groups from other school's boat can turn O.o and even run on water, WTF?! but most of the them isn't fair,

1.They did not check if there is batteries -some of their motos turn 24/7 even when there is no sun

2.Some teams use more than 3 solar panels, not to mention their 1 solar panel = our 2 solar panel big, and they still use 4

3. They did not test the moto's voltage -rules said maximum 3v moto, ours is 1.5v some team has HUGE motos that is like 5v ?!!?!

So how is this fair? they only fit the boat to measure the dimention and paste a sticker meaning u have passed the inpections and after that nobody knows what they do to the boat already, and don't even bother to tell them, why? the 2 organizers only knows faster settle, race on, and NEXT! wtf la the rest are all like what we called councillors, dunnoe dun care, they just get the next round of racers ready to race, so practically today at Singapore poly i was dam pissed, the weather, the organizers, the other teams. Freaking @#$R*&! somemore coming april they oragnizing another solar car challange, at first i wanted to join, but through this experience, I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH SINGAPORE POLY what school of tripple E! (I m dam angry) So bukit view 1st to wipe out, all 11 teams GO HOME! So don't want to wait for certificates or what ever, we all took mrt back, and I went back school to see Mr.Wai and told him about what had happen, he was VERY shocked of the results, he was like HAH?!?!
lesson learned- NEVER PLAY FAIR!!!!

Sometimes during lessons, especially boring lessons.. we try to get ourselves occupied, some may find zipping up and down their bag pretty interesting, some may try to play with the correction tape's gears and find it amazing, There are few who find it, cutting their own hair to be part of their hobby. Our class chairman, cuts his hair, not 1 hair by 1 hair, is bunch by bunch! and yes, his hair looks wierd LOL! Wednesday we had D&T sadly, someone will be taking over Mr.Wai for D&T NOO!! I WANT MR.WAI!! Ahem, i mean err, I DEMAND YOU RETURN MR.WAI AT ONCE OR SUFFER THE CONSIQUENCES! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And oh yes, i found this new game on facebook, called guess my sketch, practically a multiplayer game, where it randomly gives you a word and then 1 person will have to draw, and the rest will have to guess from his drawing what the word is. During infocomm club, we finished our script, and was playing that game, we were like guessing and guessing, Mdm Thilagam was giving instructions when SOMEONE aka producer screamed " LARGE INTESTINE!" LOL?!?! and before I end, gratz to 2E2 again for wining 1st for the class cheer competition!! hip hip HURRAY!!!!(I will post more about class cheer in the next post, i've been talking alot here already) And stupid me, almost lost my handphone today, slipped out of my pocket while i was taking taxi home, i got down the cab, feel my pocket *oh no, my handphone gone* must have dropped on the cab since i just used it in Mr.Wai's office, lucky i stopped the cab and got back my phone.. phew...


My life for Aiur; My love for you 4:51 AM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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