Alone In The Night

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Halah pork sausage? ok should be chao da(fried) halah pork sausage. Went to Pasir ris beach to clean the shores there, scenery there is nice, but not the sun, feels like i m in africa or something. For your info, my skin is VERY VERY white(i dun go out to the sun that much) So we begin by going to the wrong beach, the beach was VERY clean lol, no need to clean, SADLY after that we got to the right one, it was not that dirty like what i expected, but still theres quite alot of rubbish there, my partner is SHAO CHUAN, jamie's AHEM... xD i told him i would hold the bag and take pic, while he pick up the litters on the floor.Coz alot of people, almost half the class, was taking pictures, Ms Tan got pissed off and told us to keep our cameras or she will conviscate wtf? no choice we kept our camera and pick litters. We've been warned that not to touch anything that is round and spicky(i forgot what that thing is called) and WOOTS! i saw 2 lol!!!! and i saw a octopuc look thingys with a sting on the mouth lol, there are also alot of crabs and fishes. For your info, the animals we found, are all dead. Then our class's very own burrial team burried them in the sand. You may think that theres nothing wrong there BUT, if you used your brain, something may seemed not right. Think about this, people burry corpse onto the ground, but the ground is SOIL! there are plants and bacterias to eat up the corpse, BUT on SANDY beach, theres no plant! so if u burry them there, its gonna be there for a VERY VERY long time. And if a little girl happily happily digging sand to build a sand castle "AAAHHH ZOMBIE!!!" lOl!!! anyway, me and shaochuan found ALOT of rubbish, slippers, water bottles, i heard from others they found bikinis and baby's diapers LOL!! then when we finished filling our trash bag, i went to the shelter by the playground to take a rest. By then my camera abit spoiled, i think is because of the HEAT! the auto lence and the anti vibration thingy went haywired, it keep shaking the screen -.-So no more picture, then saw ALOT of people by the play ground playing this BIG BIG tilted wheel like thingy, so when u spin it, it is like a roller coaster, go up then come down, FUN!!! good thing Ms Tan didn't see us.

So we went back to school, Ms Tan gave a debreif in the class, "You all go there is to pick litters not to take photos" the first thing in packing list is CAMERA ! after her complain says that she had to pick litters also, almost nobody saw, only 1 or 2, she just pick infront of them 1 or 2 to let the u all witness she got pick, thats all, the rest say they only saw her "come pick this up" "dun drag the plastic bag" "go throw that away" then whats even worse "Ms Gopal wants u all to make a power point slide of the photos you have taken" WTF?!?! after she left the class, the class complained she dun allow us to take pictures, then she still wan our pictures, tell her dun have, coz she dun allow us to take somemore threaten to conviscate? u want pictures go internet download, theres alot, google image search, type pasir ris beach cleaning alot already.Heres some of the pictures FOR PRIVATE USE! NO DOWNLOAD(sorry if i sounded fierce, coz i m quite pissed off today)

After that some stayed back for cheer practice, stupid jocelyn dragged me, my legs are already very pain from the CIP, drag and now, swallon, freakin...(my F word is not the Fk, is freak) then from our class room, they want to lock already, went to 4th floor, stupid -.- this people 敢死队, means so called suicidal squard, CIP soo tired still wan stay back to 5 wth ?!?! i cannot take it already, 4+ i went home -.- good thing tomorrow is E-learning, no need go school, or i m taking my own MC already =/

My life for Aiur; My love for you 3:32 AM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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