Alone In The Night

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

BIG changes to orchard road since I last visited, was like 6 months ago ??? wanted to meet my friend, at 12, BUT stared my game around 10, and by 11.20 still haven't end!!! they dragging the game till like 11.30. Let home and reached orchard around 12.30 zzzz. Meet my friend and we walked to Ion. 2 words BLOODY HUGE. Went to the basement first, sooo many people, soo many shops!! Soooo confusing!! so then went up to see those ground floor level shops, my friend warned me those shops is you see but you won't buy one. seriously, all those what LV, CK Dior etc.......... cheap cheap 3 digit sums expensive already 4 or 5 digit -.- went to the some book shop, freaking NICE AND EXPENSIVE !!! 1 note book, normal lines one, with nice designs, cheap cheap $8, plain designs etc. $6. 1 bottle of thumbtacks around 20-30 inside with different colours/shapes $3, 1 piece of nice decorated A4 paper $0.90, 5 or 6 stickers $8 WTH !!!!!! But the stuffs inside really wow! NICE + COOL + EXPENSIVE all innovative stuffs, mini clothes hanger = note holder, magnetic dunnoe what also card holder or something all those STUFF that you have NEVER SEEN BEFORE (I think I should visit again, but some back to school items for next year xD) Bought 1 badge for somebody, at 1st wanted to buy "HORNEY DEVIL" badge, but bought something else instead.

Next went to some Christmas deco shop, just next to the book store,small shop, went in, ooo how nice, 1 snowing Christmas tree, then i turn my head, saw 1 girl, didn't take notice, thought was a statue, then "can I help you" LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! A shop assistant, dress in those sexy santa girl costume, like cover the body only, from shoulder until above knee level those kind of dress WTH!!!! Lucky my friend was a girl =.= I kept my head down (feel sooo wrong inside) half way out, my friend knock another Santa girl, crap.... I pretended never see anything and went out PHEW!!! The 2 shop owner think from Holland talking talking staring staring(at the 2 shop assistants..... =.=) I told my friend, and she was like you nose bleed ha???? LOL!!! The only thing that will make me nose bleed/drool is seeing an Apache Longbow close up, i can hug it till next century LOL!!!!

Walked around and my friend complain leg pain, wanted to sit at coffee bean, but see like nvm la, go to the takashimaya that coffee bean, went there OMG!!! no more already !!!!! WTH!!!!!! so went to coffee hub instead, oh and before we got to coffee hub, bought 2 tamagouchi, 1 for her as her birthday present, 1 for myself, they having discount, $10 each, and $20 for version 5.5, so bought 2 version 5.0 $10 each. They now selling tamagouchi WITH COLOUR SCREEN WTH!!!! anyways, in the coffee hub, she ordered some I not sure what(got alchohol) and i ordered iced mocca. Finished she went behind taka and took bus home, while i walk from taka to forum to find my mum. Reached Ion and see WOOOTS sooo many BB people there, then saw 1 figure, from far, has the shape of Mr Gan!!! LOL, but the area was close, cannot go in take a closer look. so went inside to Ion coz i need to cross the road and the removed the traffic light on top, i have to travel through the under pass. Crap!! walked down, turned a few round, come up WOOOTS!!!! still at Ion, just that come out from the door beside which I entered WTH!!!!!!!! ALMOST freaked out, its like NO WAY for you to get through, since its like a maze inisde. Took another try, went down, this time turn a FEW MORE(3-4) more turns and wooots!!!! finally saw the sign says Wheellock place PHEW!!!!!!! FINALLY CAME OUT !!! (if you are going to Ion or anywhere there, DO GET A EXPERIENCED FRIEND TO BRING YOU AROUND!! OR YOU WILL BE TRAPPED INSIDE! I M SEROUS!

Went forum, found my mum, and took bus home, somehow when i alight the bus, my head was like spinning, and my mum keep asking me if i had taken any alcohol, i told her my friend did, and I drank mocca, but somehow I feel not quite right =.= MAY have taken the wrong drink, im not sure.

My life for Aiur; My love for you 6:08 PM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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