Alone In The Night

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hellos! back in another post. Should be a short 1(I guess) So on Monday, we went Marina Barrage, but morning, i had to went back school for the egg crushing project, was kinda in a hurry coz it starts at 10, then i expected it to end at around 12+, which it didn't, so anyways, finished like 1, then rushed back, change clothes, take my stuffs, rush to the MRT there to buy kite, then at Bukit Batok MRT there Liting called, which was like 1.20+ ask where we are, before that, that COM LAGGED person wouldn't believe us, she thinks that "oh Chua Chu Kang go Marina Bay faster than Clementi go Marina Bay" So she and Agustine took the Chua Chu Kang way, while me and Wayne took the Clementi way. So when she reached around Admiralty there, I was STILL IN BUKIT BATOK, so took train to Clementi, meet up Wayne and go Marina Bay, which ended up, from Raffles Place to Marina Bay, WE GOT UP WITH LITING AND AGUSTINE! We were on the SAME TRAIN LOL!! they lag HAHAHA.

We walked a bit to a bus stop and took a free shuttle bus to Marina Barrage, which is like, my first time there, at first was a a bit cloudy, then when we step foot inside, "oh look, its raining!" LOL sadded so we find shelter to eat chips until the rain stop, which by then was already 4+ and Wayne wanted to catch a movie at 5.35, so we decided to fly the kite when we rain gets smaller, which by then was like 4.30, so we tried our best. So here we are, 4 idiots, holding kites running from 1 end to another, with kites still in their hands, screaming some more! LOL but we did manage to fly A BIT, because of the NO wind, and the small drizzles. Ya, so, all drenched, I think I kena the most, coz i total stepped inside a big puddle of water, and my WHOLE shoe was wet, I think wayne and Liting kena a bit also, and Agustine wore slippers...

So around 5+ we left, and Since we was in a rush, we ignore the shuttle bus and tried to walk out in the rain to find a cab, and fail spectacularly, good thing a extremely kind uncle gave us a ride out of the place, he wanted sent us to Vivo at first, but I rejected LOL, so he dropped us in the City where we can find a cab. So we reached Vivo at around 5.30, just nice, but the sits all taken, so we had to watch the 7.35 show, so we went to eat diner+my lunch, then played awhile Truth or Dare, which the Dare was to drink from the same straw of the same bottle LOL!! and, yeah, we went Arcade and watched the Killers, ended at 9+ and took MRT back home. WHAT A FUN DAY, so we planning to go there again in the 4th week, so, yeah...
Some pics from the day, the rest are on facebook. BB! (i will post the photos i sent for competition SYPA on the next post)

My life for Aiur; My love for you 9:02 PM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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