Alone In The Night

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hellos! Late Merry Christmas to all. Had been LAZY, and finding excuses not to do a lot of stuffs, lols. Anyways, yesterday, was pretty cool, and dangerous lols. Went to perform on a hippo bus! A first time for me actually. The bus is like your normal average double decker bus with no roof on top, so practically a roller coaster ride to me lols! Its actually not very fast, but the amount of rushing air blowing on your face is way worse lols. So is just me and another VGC guy on the top deck. the capacity of the top is 50, which is like fully filled with MINDS trainees and volunteers. so our task was suppose to perform, sing a few songs during the trip. And we did, shouting(since its open air, they can't really hear) shaking(violent bus movement) and the phobia of falling off the bus LOL!!! Because the railing is not very high, somewhere below my chest level, and had to stand through out while playing the guitar which the warning clearly stated "WARNING! DO NOT STAND WHEN THE HIPPO BUS IS MOVING" =.= But, its just for awhile, on the way there for like 10min, and the sound it pretty soft so i had to shout and strum HARD and broke my 1E string in the process =( I didn't bring extra strings, and got no time to change srting, so played with 1E LOLS.

Started from Katong CC, drove to the Singapore flyer, stopped for 15min, the to orchard road to see the lights, its pretty cool, on the bus, where the christmas lights just dangling right above your head like less that 1 meter from your head. From all the way from Tanglin road and to Plaza Singapura, the road is lighted with LED lighting ALL the way. Its rather a nice experience for me actually, get to see the whole line of lights, and my first time on a hippo bus xD

So the pass few days, went down play rollerblading with YL, YS. Haven't really been playing since like 6-7 years ago?? But, manage to dig up the rollers, and found that I still can wear!! So I got back the hang of it pretty fast, while YL was struggling a bit lols. Anyways, we roamed around in the skates, then we found this not really steep slope(although we have some VERY steep ones) so we rolled down 1 by 1. I did first, at the end of the slope, there were those small bumps you can find in all MRT stations, and i was wearing a hand guard, so i couldn't grab onto the railings, and fell side ways. Then when its YL's turn, before she even reached the slope, she kinda tilted a bit, and fell backwards LOL then i was telling her "butt open flower! butt open flower" LOLS, then today, i fell again -.- i was travelling TOOOOOO fast down and bumpy road, the rollers may have caught something, then i lose balance, and fall sliding on the floor a little. Sustain some scratches and 1 blue black at my leg there. At least not my pretty butt LOL!! jkjk xD

Lastly just few days ago, i realised that i got the wrong homework!!!! that time i thought i took extra physics paper, so didn't bother, now then i realise IT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE 1 physics, 1 chem, which i got 2 physic, 0 chem!!! WTF?!? now is like 5 more days school reopening and i left with chinese die..... Don't really looking forward to 2010 =/ Don't really like the class that I m going to be in. And this December holidays, didn't do as much as CIP as last year, only did 3? last year was like 7-8?? sigh.......
So i was reading this Many-worlds theory, means that if something would have happen in this reality, it may not had happen in another reality. Or it did not happen in this reality, it may have happened in another reality, which do you choose to believe in =)

My life for Aiur; My love for you 3:41 AM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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