Alone In The Night

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hellos! tired after the first week of school zzzzz maybe because i don't really have the enthusiasm in my sec 3. If you were to ask me how would i feel about my sec 3 class, my answer would still remain the same as before school reopened. Its not like the old 2E2 anymore, where people gets crazy at times and jokes starts flying around the class... the only time I can be with my friends, is probably recess, but not all the time, we may have different recess time slots, but at least, thats something to hope for??

Anyways, EXTREMELY busy week, is like i have been going home like after 4+? maybe Tuesday around 3.30. Is either CS lessons or some councillor/CCA stuffs. speaking of which, VERY pissed of with someone in my class/cca. Wednesday combine clubs camp meeting, we were all quite busy, but took time sit around to have a meeting, GOODNESS SAKE HIM happily finished his lunch and walk in like no body's business like 10min before we end our meeting!! Thursday CCA awareness day, where we intro our cca to the new sec ones, half way through our lesson we must report to CCA, lessons suppose to end at 2.25, we left class around 1.50, and prepare the room, HE HAPPILY WALK IN AT 3.45!! even if he stayed in class, which were suppose to end at 2.25, but he came at 3.45, where was he?? HAVING A CHIT CHATTING LUNCH WITH HIS FRIENDS!!! Then finally yesterday another clubs meeting, goodness sake him, TALKING TO HIS FRIENDS while we were discussing things about the camp WHILE HE KEEP HURRYING US TO FINISH THE MEETING BECAUSE HE GOT DC (detention class) COZ HE WAS LATE THAT MORNING!!! you can at least help right? or not, just keep ur mouth shut and wait for the others to finish! damm pissed with that guy! then around 3 rushed down for councillor duty blah blah.... and Jamie thought I wanted to wear the whites so early for dunnoe what reason, sheesh. And oh ya, FYI, the pass week i only had 1 lunch, i had no time for lunch and i would reach home usually during dinner time, so i skip lunch most of the times.

Oh ya, I m the vice in charge in-charge of the camp, didn't really voted myself, but somehow, i dunnoe how, was voted to be the vice, and Poon is the overall in-charge. Well quite funny that 1 guy voted HIMSELF to be chairman, its good, lols. But not really sure like why he never get the positions, which ended up to be me and Poon lol. And i think this is the first camp that I'm gonna attend in school, I m like turning more physical these days, walking to and back from school etc...

Anyways, see that picture of 2 crazy woman killing each other? LOL, ya i took that during recess LOL!! while 1 slap the other 1, from canteen come up until 3rd level, then now still continue LOL tsk tsk tsk 1 choir EXCO, 1 PSL some more! tsk tsk tsk! speaking of which, i CAN SEE A LOT OF 2E2 peeps during GEO lessons WOOTS!!!! Because 3E2 and 3E1 combine together, like rahul, amber, jionghuai, Augustine etc... and i can see Jamie in mother tongue class also. social studies is Ms Chua, many people is scared of her because shes like the fierce discipline mistress, but in her class, shes VERY funny lols!

Lastly, this is a song I sang/played before school reopened, enjoy!

My life for Aiur; My love for you 7:36 PM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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