Alone In The Night

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ya Da Ya da... Haven't really been updating my blog for quite some time now lols. turning lazy this holiday, like kinda like getting more of the sianz....... a lot. Anyways, quite A LOT of things to blog about. Yan ling Yan shiang went Korea for like a week? since 8 dec. Kinda like slacking since nobody to play badminton with, also, quite bored without them.

9 dec went to Escape theme Park AGAIN with shazni rahul farhin kathi sandhiya fath amber etc... aka the bollywood gang LOL! we were suppose to meet at Jurong East MRT around 10. Then some freaking people throw tantrum, so the rest have to go chua chu kang and wait for the tantrum girl to DECIDE whether she wan come or not. Shes is like wasting everybody time, and finally she came around 11.20. shes knows I m mad at her, kinda ignored her, guess who? Amber. So we reached Pasir Ris around 12.30. We could get out cause we over stayed inside the MRT and had to pay $2 to go out %&$Y%T# and she act as if its not her fault. So on the way in, i saw this CHIO BU

HOHOHO this might ring a bell to you, yes, this is the Mr Bean's car xD So we went in, played, go kart, wet and wild etc ... They spend most of the time on pirate ship while i spend most of my time on go kart xD then half way, not sure what happen, fath mood swing? say wanted go home. Then something about rahul shazni stopped fath from bring amber back also then she cried outside escape theme park wtf ??? not really sure LOL was on the swing with Kathi when all these happened. so went back around 5..

Then ya da ya da.. stayed at home, play com, stare at the sky... BORING homework? sian..... don't talk about it, see the Chinese siann... even more... 10 dec went to west mall, wanted to buy an iPhone, and WTF?! the bloody queue outside M1 from west mall the shop there turn turn until the MRT! heard that cause they sell iPhone for $1010 and singtel sell for $1040. For your info, I'm buying without plan, then subscribe a $9.90 per month add on for my current line for 1GB of data usage every month, so it will be like around $39 per month for me. But if i sign up a line for 12GB data usage each month at $38, i will lose my unlimited SMS =( and why would i use until 12GB =.= so sticking with my current plan. so the next day, went west mall early, queue was not that long, so we queued about 30min until that sales guy say that they don't sell iPhone without plan UNLESS you are a M1 user. ^$#%#@! So went back to singtel and buy a $1040 iPhone 3GS 16GB.

12 dec went to ACID camp 2009 at Pioneer JC brought jionghuai Rahul shazni, Jamie was supposed to come also BUT the busy EXCO CHOIR CHAIRMAN (like always people intro will announce the rank xD) forgotten! and had something else on! WTF? I like told her around November LOL so went there, practiced at the canteen, ya da ya da, Jionghuai sang, while those 2 hang around, play basket ball using a tennis ball, etc... and Rahul drank 2 bottle of chocolate milk LOL. then around 8 is out turn to perform. They run out of plugs cause the stage got 7, 1 spoil, 3 for guitar 1 for drum, 2 mic, no more plug left, so i didn't play plug in... =( we played for like 40 min? then after they kinda like had a dance party while rahul and shazni danced and partied like siao LOL it was fun =) Then went home around 9.30. We start at 3.30 so we get like 6hours of CIP each lol! xD

There are more videos at my youtube channel
this is 1 of the vid

My life for Aiur; My love for you 7:07 PM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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My 2009 Birthday

Fever finally down


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update:Private Server wzms


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