Alone In The Night

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

First, i would like to congrat myself, not of promotion or something, my 9/11 Enya-Only time have reached over the 1000 views mark!!! WOOTS!!! and of course, if you have suscribe to my youtube channel, you would have receive updates on my LATEST video!! currently at 50 views.. Girls would really like it, BUT GUYS, if u don't watch it, you will miss it! Title:Sabaton-Masters of the world military MV. There are 2 versions to it. this is the 2nd one. And also you can check out the first version of this military video AND my 1000 views 9/11 video only @ my youtube channel, the link -->

*I lovee the wz production in the first scene xD*

Every Mr. GAN!'s lesson, it is more like a torture to him than a learning lesson to us. Firstly, the amount of irrelevent questions we ask, example, "Do you have Mrs Gan??" LOL!! Secondly, whenever he greets us "Good morning class" or "Thank you 2E2" we would should VERY loudly. He would be covering his ears most of the time when we greet him, because the sound is soo loud when we shout, and think about his 2 ears receiving the impact. He would be sooon needing a hearing aid as now adays he pretends he can't really hear us, by doing so, he can avoid answering our questions, he will like, "what?!?!" BUT when he "what?!?" we also "what?!?" example, "the veins transport blood to the heart" we will like "what?!?!" "THE VEINS TRANSPORT BLOOD TO THE HEART" and we "WUD?? WEE CANNOOT HIA EW" xD

Before i end, this is my last topic. So far i've seen. Jamie is the most FIERCE!! councillor i have ever SEEN!! even for someone with sore throat, no voice to speak, she can scold the sec 1 one hell of fight i tell you. And by the way, she sounded more MAN when she is having sore throat. Even the other councillors was like O.o? menstration cycle? LMAO!!!!!!!! shhhh... Today i was helping her during recess, while tomorrow is my turn. She is like the tigeress, ready to eat you alive, *just got slapped in back by her this morning* suddenly something came to my mind. now is still consider the chinese new year period, so i told her that next time when she is doing duties, i would bring a drum. Why? tigeress can also know to be lion, during chinese new year, people have lion dance to scare away ghost.. etc. She is lion, the sec 1 is the ghost, i m the drummer, all lion dance have drums what xD Also, i was like LMAO when i saw some comotions at 1E4 when she was telling them to keep quiet. When i got there, she was in flames walking towards me, "GET MS CHUA!" O.o? i asked the E4s what happen, they say, "she say give us 6hour DC, but she say she give us 6 babies" LMAO!!!!! ROFL!!!!!! i told them shh... just keep quiet with a wink and walked off. LOL!! don't need to get soo fierce, tell them nicely and they would listen to you.

My life for Aiur; My love for you 1:44 AM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




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