Alone In The Night

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hellos! haven't really been posting quite awhile, almost a month from my last post, lol. anyways, finally got some PEACE(just a little) off the stuffs and STUFFS, yeah... really, totally packed. Anyways, came back from Metiwan's house just now from practicing song for teacher's day concert. All the teacher's day stuff, especially the design of cards and certificates are like draining up my time. Last time i used to love events like this, but now, half half, is like, no lessons, watch performance, but on second thought, oh crap, still got video/card etc need to be done... Life is never easy, when u spend more than 12 hours everyday outside, and go home = homework.... really crappy... Anyways, common tests are OVER!!! but other tests ARE NOT OVER!!!! was quite okok la, Emaths got 23/30, a bit disappointing, but better than I expected. coming monday going on stage AGAIN, to do the cyberwellness presentation... oh ya, got a IDA infocomm ambassador nomination form, which i have totally no idea what to write to "sell yourself" quite looking forward becoming one.
Was suppose to meet someone yesterday, was really LOOKING forward to it, but in the end, due to flu, she cannot make it, overslept lol. Oh well.... i really miss you..
(some NICE pics)

My life for Aiur; My love for you 3:53 AM


Friday, July 23, 2010

Another time of my life, feeling down and upset... Somehow I feel like I made plenty of mistakes, bad decisions both in the past and present. Not sure should I be happy or sad, maybe a lesson learn in time. I think I did a lot in the past for my club, contributions and efforts I put in, maybe is for my own good, not deserving the title. Thinking back in the past 2 years, somehow I feel regretted. Or maybe is just for my own good, more time to cope with my studies and councillor work, who knows, maybe is better this way. Maybe it shouldn't even have started in the first place. Its time to find a full stop for the sentence, and start a new paragraph of my life. Went to west mall for nothing today, sigh... Thought you wanted to eat, which ended up throwing. Oh well, no matter what, I think there's plenty more reason to smile of. Will upload racial harmony 2010 pictures probably in the next post, in the mean, feel like isolating and stoning for awhile now. Bye

My life for Aiur; My love for you 4:13 AM


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hellos! won't really be posting much, just uploading the photos that i sent for SYPA
(Singapore Youth Photographer Award)

Middle of a bridge at Marina

Children at play

Building of the Casino

Beside Esplanade

PIE(high road) near my house. The lines are cars

Beautiful sunset, see it everyday outside my window, but not the ever changing clouds

Looks familiar???????? Guess what is this xD

My life for Aiur; My love for you 5:39 AM


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hellos (a lot of pics coming up)!!! IT'S THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL!!! YAY!!!(NOT) With school started and 0 Chinese homework done LOLS, chiong-ed yesterday, manage to finished it. Today Mrs Mok extend the deadline, again. Ok, enough of these crappy stuff.

YLC 2010: My second time joining a camp, and is not organised by our school, it's at Ngee Ann Poly. a 3D2N Youth Leader's Camp. Although I hate to admit but, the camp was QUITE fun. I was pretty amazed by the way they planned the camp, they have every little single detailed covered. Comparing to our CCC 2010 camp, they we planned, is WAYY BETTER than ours. First day, not in the "camp" mood, got my tribe(group) transferred, I was in Vikings but because i stayed at 11 floor, and I m the only Bukit View student there, so they got me to Ninjas, got from a 3 person sharing unit to a 7 person sharing 1 unit house =( was happy at first because got friends there, BUT,
from 11 floor to 6th floor, EEEE,
3 person to 7 person, EEEE,
made friends with the Vikings people already, EEEE
From 1 me sleeping in a 3 person master bedroom, with my own toilet, to a small room n outside toilet, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Day 1 night was:HORRIBLE, SCARY, FUNNY, INSOMNIA. Me and Jerrold was sharing 1 room, since got 2 beds (FYI: we were sleeping hostels, got Air con, Fridge, Hot water Ceiling sprayer, Oven) We played scrable for awhile, but got bored after, so we went to sleep. After awhile, I hear people talking, ---CENSORED--- 2 of the sentence:
1. Wenzhong, go carry chair
2. Emmanuel dun gay lei..
And then the earthquake begin, and after while, "hellos Jerrold, why are u on the floor??" LMAO!!!!!(Find me for full story) Ok enough, second day, WAS %@$%^ RAINING! we missed the high element...... rock climbing etc... played games in their hall instead..... while some other tribes did get a chance to do the high element in the afternoon... BOOOOO!!!

Day 2 Night: Decided to have fun, we "dismantle" the living room's sofa, and fridge LOL!!!! we made the living look like 1 hotel room for our facilitator who sleeps with us, with a hotel note by the bed, "TIDY UP THE THINGS AT THE END OF THE CAMP" LOL!! Then the fridge part, we got hot and bored, so we took out the drawers inside the Fridge, and took turns go SQUEEZE IN to take pictures

Day 3, after morning's activities, we had our camp finale, which every tribe performed something, our tribe danced to the song Apologise-One Republic. And our facilitators made a video for us, about the 3 day experience, was really, REALLY, touching.. kinda sad and I really do miss the times there. The photos is at my facebook, under YLC camp. Here is a few

24 June: Right before the holiday ended, Me, Wayne, Liting, and Dorothea, whent to fly kite again, this time, NO RAIN WOOOO! the wind is really huge, we got our kite to fly without running, and the kite can take off just by 1 person also, yeah, was pretty cool + fun. Although we only manage to got 1 kite to fly, the other has a missing stick, so can't fly. I kept telling Liting to grab tight to the strings, on many occasions we saw,
"ooo nice kite"
"oo nice strings"
We saw kite flew off, along with the strings, and the person behind chasing, in the end, all landed in the water BYE BYE to the kite LOLS! I kept telling her "put your hand inside, if the kite flew off, we no more kite liao, can go home le" Our kite DID NOT FLY OFF thanks to my constant nagging LOLS!! so we went to ViVo to watch Karate kid(neck pain) seats sold out, only got first row LOLS!! and Oh ya, I think i got movie phobia or something, 2 times in a row, felt like puking after watching movie for like 10mins, after sometime, is ok already.

Ok, thats enough of stories for now, will post most likely lesser due to school, DO STAY TUNED. Here are some random NICE MEANINGFUL pics I found, I will continue to post a few nice ones in the upcoming posts. The SYPA photos is inside my External harddisk which I left it with Mdm Irni today.. zzzz I will post maybe this week if I can get it back. BYE!

(click to enlarge to see the words if they are too small)

My life for Aiur; My love for you 4:16 AM


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hellos! back in another post. Should be a short 1(I guess) So on Monday, we went Marina Barrage, but morning, i had to went back school for the egg crushing project, was kinda in a hurry coz it starts at 10, then i expected it to end at around 12+, which it didn't, so anyways, finished like 1, then rushed back, change clothes, take my stuffs, rush to the MRT there to buy kite, then at Bukit Batok MRT there Liting called, which was like 1.20+ ask where we are, before that, that COM LAGGED person wouldn't believe us, she thinks that "oh Chua Chu Kang go Marina Bay faster than Clementi go Marina Bay" So she and Agustine took the Chua Chu Kang way, while me and Wayne took the Clementi way. So when she reached around Admiralty there, I was STILL IN BUKIT BATOK, so took train to Clementi, meet up Wayne and go Marina Bay, which ended up, from Raffles Place to Marina Bay, WE GOT UP WITH LITING AND AGUSTINE! We were on the SAME TRAIN LOL!! they lag HAHAHA.

We walked a bit to a bus stop and took a free shuttle bus to Marina Barrage, which is like, my first time there, at first was a a bit cloudy, then when we step foot inside, "oh look, its raining!" LOL sadded so we find shelter to eat chips until the rain stop, which by then was already 4+ and Wayne wanted to catch a movie at 5.35, so we decided to fly the kite when we rain gets smaller, which by then was like 4.30, so we tried our best. So here we are, 4 idiots, holding kites running from 1 end to another, with kites still in their hands, screaming some more! LOL but we did manage to fly A BIT, because of the NO wind, and the small drizzles. Ya, so, all drenched, I think I kena the most, coz i total stepped inside a big puddle of water, and my WHOLE shoe was wet, I think wayne and Liting kena a bit also, and Agustine wore slippers...

So around 5+ we left, and Since we was in a rush, we ignore the shuttle bus and tried to walk out in the rain to find a cab, and fail spectacularly, good thing a extremely kind uncle gave us a ride out of the place, he wanted sent us to Vivo at first, but I rejected LOL, so he dropped us in the City where we can find a cab. So we reached Vivo at around 5.30, just nice, but the sits all taken, so we had to watch the 7.35 show, so we went to eat diner+my lunch, then played awhile Truth or Dare, which the Dare was to drink from the same straw of the same bottle LOL!! and, yeah, we went Arcade and watched the Killers, ended at 9+ and took MRT back home. WHAT A FUN DAY, so we planning to go there again in the 4th week, so, yeah...
Some pics from the day, the rest are on facebook. BB! (i will post the photos i sent for competition SYPA on the next post)

My life for Aiur; My love for you 9:02 PM


Monday, May 31, 2010

Hellos people! back from a looong looong crazy schedule of STUFFS... Have been pretty much running all over the places before and after the exams LOL. Exams is OKOK.... didn't do as well as i thought, but managed to pass my expectations of failing any of my subjects ^^ I suppose something to be proud of? Anyways, WORST subject is none other than... Chinese WOOOTS!!! almost fail xD followed by ENGLISH! but, BUT, from what i see it, most people FAIL their paper 2, which i HAD 0 HOPE AT FIRST, and get back like WOOOOTS! JUST PASS!!! muahahahahah! Anyways, the scores has been moderated, so not as bad. After exam, my time was taken up EVEN MORE. Doing video over and over and over, rushed 1 for propaganda which was shown during assembly, and another 1 which I SPEND 6 HOURS doing for the investiture video, which was like 7PM-1AM and went to sch at 6 next morning..... Well, something to be proud of, IT'S OVER!!! HAHAHAHA!!

So like the pass 3 days, had been going out shooting+hanging out etc, Friday, Vesak day, went out to shoot with Mr.Gan, reliving his childhood memory LOL. Went around Tiong Bahru where we shot quite a lot of retro stuffs, walked under the sun, all the way to Marina Bay, and we walk pass his secondary school, which was like located at some weird weird place on a hill next to the expressway. It has got its own SWIMMING POOL! ROCK CLIMBING WALL! and the best part, its a neighborhood school!!! PSLE 188 to go in, each level 5 class(EXP/NA/NT) according to him. Seriously, the school looks brand new!! we continued walking to Funan, where we had a break and bought a filter for my lens. After that, we went INTO the banking area, which we got lost -.- all we see is Bangkok Bank, India Bank etc... and like only 1 or 2 people walking on the streets and everywhere is close because of Vesak Day, So is like we had to find a bus stop, but we not sure if the bus stop got any bus back bukit batok, so he asked me to use my Zoom lens to zoom on the bus plate, take a pictures of it, and zoom onto the picture to see what bus LOL. So yeah, we got back around 6+

Next day(Saturday), wanted to rest at home after walking for 5hours on Friday, but, Mr.Gan wanted to shoot some more, he told me there is this new place called the Woodlands Waterfront. It's like a beach but you walk on bridges, there got a BIG BIG playground, and some fishing area LOL. So I Cindy along. They said i con her to come(which i did not) I only told her, "want to see sunset at woodlands?" and she agreed LOL! But I didn't tell her that GAN was there as well xD She blamed me at first but after awhile, ok already LOL. So we walked around, took some pictures, i went onto the playground which I climbed up the thing, Cindy SCARED dun dare climb, Mr Gan? nah, LOL I can't imagine LOL!!!! the she was like, "what if emmanu were to go up?" errr....? LOL!?!? Went back around 8.30+

So the next day(Sunday), was slacking at home until SOMEONE asked me to go out, watch movie... So I took a nap, and rushed to West mall 15min before the show, and bought a gift for Cindy, IT'S HER BIRTHDAY! so yeah, spend the 15 min choosing... too bad dun have her 07-ghost stuffs xD so bought her a necklace, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BUY ?! then went inside cinema to watch Prince Of Persia, which i kinda regretted, =/ VERY confusing at first, then the end part also not very nice... don't really find it interesting, should have gone for cartoons instead, like Shrek LOL! so walked a bit, and about 7+ called Cindy down to pass her the gift because I don't want to bring it home -.- or my mother will start talking crap. THAT STUPID ALIEN followed because she wanted to see Cindy -.- which i FORCED and BLACKMAILED her, so finally we come to a agreement, that she stand 2m away LOL!!!!! stupid

Anyways, today(Tuesday) SLACKING at home =) finally a day for myself xD

Taken at tiong Bahru

Taken at Woodlands Waterfront

My life for Aiur; My love for you 8:20 PM



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Maybe it's time to put the past behind and move on
Someone used to ask,
if you had superpowers, what would it be
and often I reply,
Time travel

Life is full of mistakes
and how good you deal with it
When you fall down,
it's not about how fast you can get up
It's about how you get up

I hope that decisions made was the right one
Because I don't have the powers
to turn back time..




My windows live blog My Youtube Channel

Class blog Agustine Cherlyn Devaki Fathihah HangWing Jamie Jastine JiongHuai Jocelyn Kristal Liting Melina Polly Rahul Sandhiya Shazni Serning Simin Wayne Xue ying Zafir

Farid Jerrold Jobie Afiqah Alleyne Megan Nhita Waimarn Zoei Yanling Yan Shiang Andrina Dawn Emilia Idrina Joan Mandy Ivy Wanxin Pei xuan

Ms Wu Ms Ang Ms Toh Mr Gan Ms Low


feels like an idiot..

Photos for SYPA (photo)

YLC and Kite flying 2

Holiday post #2 Marina Barrage


Speech day 2010

CCC camp 2010


Shooting at Vivo


blog fine.GIF